This is a first in a series of writings I’ve been posting on other platforms (the ones that don’t let you in unless you give them your data). I will be working on moving those out of their jails and put it out in the open web. This particular bit...
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A month of Marching
Almost a month’s worth of Marching.js sketches exploring various experiments with Signed Distance Fields and combinatorial geometries through the month of March 2021. Marching.js is a JavaScript shader compiler specifically focused on ray marching via signed distance functions.
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A month of Julia
Almost a month’s worth of Marching.js sketches exploring various experiments with Julia fractals through the month of July 2020. Marching.js is a JavaScript shader compiler specifically focused on ray marching via signed distance functions.
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Running Kinect v1 on Jetson Nano
Last year I ended up working on an installation project that used a Kinect v2 camera. Since the pricing of the units are still pretty high in India even after MicroSoft moved on from them I decided to get a v1. The problem with those if you are not on...
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Lighting up the Jetson Nano with Cinder
I’ve been on a Openframeworks trip for the past eight years or so and have wondered about starting up with Cinder lib at some point of time. I’m trying to see if 2020 is the year it’ll finally happen.
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- 15/Feb/2025: Beats and Banter: Intro to Livecoding Workshop - Moonshine by Ext Hyderabad
- 14/Feb/2025: Kittenpop Valentine Edition - Antisocial Hyderabad
- 14/Dec/2024: WIP AltFest Algorave: Delhi Edition - Depot 48
- 2/Dec/2024: WIP AltFest Algorave: Bengaluru Edition - Bangalore Creative Circus
- 1/Dec/2024: Where Things Go - Medai Bengaluru